Energy transition: an unprecedented programme in Europe

Through the Bus2025 programme, the Group has committed to the large-scale conversion of its bus fleet to electricity and biomethane by 2025. Bus2025 benefits from the support of Île-de-France Mobilités, the European Commission and banking group Banque des Territoires de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation.

transition énergétique

This programme, launched in 2014 during the COP21 conference, is set to halve CO2 emissions that are generated by bus operations by the end of the year 2024. The project will also significantly contribute to RATP achieving its goal of reducing GHG emissions and lowering overall pollutant emission.

By the end of 2024, RATP Group is set to operate a more eco-friendly bus fleet in the Île-de-France region with 4,700 vehicles, including approximately 1,000 electric buses and 1,300 biomethane buses. To achieve this, the conversion of bus routes to electricity and biomethane has been carried out progressively: first there was a trial stage, following which 500 buses have been commissioned each year since 2020.

To accommodate the new buses, restructuring the industrial equipment was necessary. In the long run, major works will be carried out in the 25 bus depots located across Paris and inner suburbs: connecting the depots to the electricity and biomethane distribution networks; installing transformers for electricity and gas compressor stations, fast charging lanes, charging stations for biomethane, electric charging station on each depot space; ensuring the buildings’ compliance with fire safety standards; and adapting maintenance workshops to these new technologies.

In the end

  • 13 bus depots converted to electricity: Lagny, Corentin, Pleyel, Lilas, Belliard, Lebrun, Croix-Nivert, Malakoff, Point-du-Jour, Asnières, Charlebourg, Vitry and Bords de Marne-Neuilly.
  • 12 bus depots have been converted to accommodate biomethane buses: Créteil, Bussy, Massy, Nanterre, Thiais, Aubervilliers, Pavillons, Flandre, Ivry, Saint-Denis, Saint-Maur and Fontenay-aux-Roses.

This ambitious challenge calls upon the company’s entire skill range. Indeed, RATP Group has been managing all aspects of this conversion: engineering, maintenance and operation. This is a first in Europe for a transport operator and a fleet of this size.

European subsidies

The European Commission supports the Bus2025 programme, which demonstrates the commitment that Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP have made to their energy transition. Since 2020, the Commission has awarded three successive grants totalling close to €55 million for the energy conversion of some bus depots and the purchase of electric buses. These European subsidies are supplemented with a loan from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations for the same amount.

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