Our website’s eco-design scores:

  • Eco Index: 70/100
  • Score: B
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 23.14 (equivalent to 2.5 packs of bottled water)*
  • Average greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.5kg (equivalent to a 338-km metro trip)*

*source : https://impactco2.fr/comparateur

Assessment method

This website, like any digital product, has an environmental impact which we are going to present on this page using standardised indicators.
We use the Eco Index toolkit https://www.ecoindex.fr/ offered by the GreenIT.fr collective to assess this website’s environmental performance. This performance is measured using two types of indicators:

  • Our website’s eco-design score. This index assesses the best practices implemented to reduce a web page’s environmental impact. The score assigned is given on a scale ranging from A to G (with A being the best score) combined with a score between 0 and 100 (with 100 being the best score).
  • Water consumption and GHG emissions caused by the page loading. This index measures freshwater consumption and GHG emissions (gCO2e) generated by the loading of a web page.

Four types of data are represented, to present an overall view:

  • Eco-design score for the website’s 5 most visited pages
  • Eco-design score for the website’s 5 typical user itineraries
  • Water consumption (in litres) and GHG emissions (kilos Co2e) caused by the loading of a web page by one user and applied to 1,000 users.
  • Water consumption (in litres) and GHG emissions (kilos Co2e) caused by the execution of an itinerary for one user and applied to 1,000 users.

The analysis was carried out on 20 March 2024 and is likely to change over time: the measures of environmental impacts presented below are a snippet of a given moment.

Assessment of the impact of the website’s 5 most visited pages

Page 1: Homepage: https://ratpgroup.com/en/

  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 23.9 
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.64kg
  • Eco-index: 70/100
  • Score: B

Page 2 : Governance : https://ratpgroup.com/en/the-ratp-group/governance/

  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 24.6
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.39kg
  • Eco-index: 68/100
  • Score: C

Page 3 : RATP CAP IDF : https://ratpgroup.com/en/subsidiaries/ratp-cap-idf/

  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 23.9
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.59kg
  • Eco-index: 70/100
  • Score: B

Page 4 : RATP Group Foundation : https://ratpgroup.com/fr/le-groupe-ratp/fondation-groupe-ratp/

  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 20.4
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.36kg
  • Eco-index: 68/100
  • Score: C

Page 5 : Group page : https://ratpgroup.com/en/the-ratp-group/

  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 22.9
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 1.52kg
  • Eco-index: 74/100
  • Score: B

Assessment of the impact of 5 user itineraries on the website

Itinerary 1: Access to the RATP DEV subsidiary

  • Itinerary objective: Knowing the Group subsidiaries and their areas of expertise:
  • Target itinerary Homepage – See the subsidiaries – Click on the RATP DEV subsidiary.
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 69.7L (equivalent to 8 packs of bottled water).
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 4.65kg (equivalent to a 1,047-km metro trip).

Itinerary 2: Discover RATP Group Foundation

  • Itinerary objective: To discover key information on RATP Group Foundation, its annual report and tracking its projects’ progress.
  • Target itinerary RATP Group Foundation homepage, annual reports page, return to the RATP Group Foundation homepage.
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 77.7L (equivalent to 10 packs of bottled water).
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 5.18kg (equivalent to a 1,167km metro trip).

Itinerary 3: Access the Group’s job offers

  • Itinerary objective: Know the Group’s employer commitment and access job offers.
  • Target itinerary Homepage, recruitment page, click to view offers.
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 46.7L (equivalent to 5 packs of bottled water).
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 3.11kg (equivalent to a 700km metro trip).

Itinerary 4: Getting to know RATP Group

  • Itinerary objective: For further information on the Group and its governance.
  • Target itinerary Homepage, RATP Group, Governance.
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 70.3L (equivalent to 7 packs of bottled water).
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 4.69kg (equivalent to a 1,056-km metro trip).

Itinerary 5: View a press release

  • Itinerary objective: See the Group’s latest news.
  • Target itinerary Homepage, press release list, select a release.
  • Average water consumption for 1,000 users (in litres): 69.1L (equivalent to 7 packs of bottled water).
  • Average GHG emissions for 1,000 users (kilo CO2e): 4.60kg (equivalent to a 1036km metro trip).


Eco-design is based on a method and various measures that aim to reduce this website’s impact on the environment. In practice, the approach consists of limiting the number of technical resources necessary to display a webpage or execute a function while meeting the users’ needs.

Are you a digital expert who wants to reduce your websites’ environmental impact? Below is a list of measures you can implement:

  • From the design stage, limit the number of features.
  • Remove least frequently used features.
  • Limit the number of carousels.
  • Choose lighter fonts.
  • Opt for simple and refined designs.
  • Whenever possible, adopt a “mobile first” approach.
  • Opt for a one-page scroll design.
  • Deactivate the automatic loading and playing of video and audio files.
  • Optimise user itineraries.
  • – …

Measures to best manage content

  • Choose images over videos.
  • Limit the number of images on each page.
  • Optimise image size for target format.
  • Compress images using tools such as TinyPNG.
  • Compress PDFs using tools such as iLovePDF.
  • Limit the use of animated GIFs.
  • Choose glyphs over images.
  • and more.

Measures to optimise development

  • Opt for asynchronous processing when possible.
  • Only use essential portions of JS and CSS libraries.
  • Cache frequently used data.
  • Limit the number of calls to HTTP APIs.
  • Reduce the volume of data stored to the strict minimum.
  • Use the most recent version of the language.
  • Provide a text alternative to multimedia content.
  • Split the CSS.
  • Do not change the DOM when crossing it.
  • Use lazyload.
  • Have the W3C validate each page.
  • Add Expires or Cache-Control headers.
  • Compress text files using the following formats: CSS, JS, HTML and SVG.
  • Set up an efficient sitemap.
  • and more.

Best measures for hosting data

  • Choose an eco-friendly host.
  • Install the minimum required on the server.
  • Rely on managed services.
  • Optimise the servers’ energy efficiency.
  • Reduce the number of server logs to the minimum.
  • Apache Vhost: deactivate AllowOverride.
  • Use virtual servers.
  • Use an asynchronous server.
  • Store data in the cloud.
  • and more.