Awareness campaigns on the responsible use of environmental resources These awareness campaigns target teams at industrial and office sites. They also cater to bus drivers, by explaining how their driving habits have an impact on fuel consumption and the early wear and tear of rolling stock.
Reducing water consumption In 2022, RATP consumed 1,214,497 cubic metres of drinking water* on washing and maintaining its rolling stock. Making better use of this resource is therefore a key challenge.The Group wishes to reduce water consumption at the source by raising employee awareness through the inclusion of specific targets in environmental management systems. It also conducts operations such as mine water recovery, and the optimisation of the rolling stock washing process. *the equivalent of approximately 485 Olympic-size swimming pools
Optimising real estate restructuring operations The development of industrial sites (notably garages and maintenance workshops) provides multiple benefits. While combatting urban sprawl, it also helps to ease the inclusion of industrial activity in a neighbourhood, which promotes social and functional diversity.In Paris, the transformation of 8 bus depot and metro maintenance workshop sites is set to create 2,000 new housing units by 202. Find out more
Limiting the environmental impact of rolling stock The first MP 89 CA trains that used to run on metro line 14 were introduced on metro line 4 when it became fully automated. Transferring these trains made way for MP 89 CC trains, which began their re-deployment on metro line 6 in January 2023 and are expected to be fully deployed by 2026.In addition, buses have been sent to Lebanon, where they will enter circulation
Reducing and recovering waste In 2022, Group activity generated 32,980 tonnes of waste, 99.75% of which was recovered mainly through reuse, recycling and energy recovery.At the end of the same year, the Group also defined a circular economy road map for its construction site activities. Once this road map is deployed, it will enable the better quantification and recovery of generated waste.
Eco-design and eco-specification RATP Group is committed to promoting an eco-design and eco-specification approach in its projects (infrastructure, building, rolling stock and information systems), and leans towards cost-efficient products and systems with the lowest environmental impact and the longest life cycles.Ecological solutions are actively sought during the planning stage. In 2022, the Group commissioned several train maintenance workshops across the Île-de-France region that benefited from the implementation of an eco-design approach. An example of eco-design includes green roofs installed atop the new maintenance halls on metro line 6 (Italie site) and metro line 11 (Rosny-sous-Bois site). Green roofing improves residents’ comfort in the summer and increases the amount of rainwater that can be harvested on the plot. Eco-design is also factored into RATP Group purchasing and investment decisions. In 2022, over 40% of purchasing decisions included a CSR component in the form of requirements, assessment criteria and/or contractual clauses. Find out more
Les Deux Rives, a circular economy accelerator The association Les Deux Rives (Both banks), a circular neighbourhood, is committed to a common vision: transpose an industrial and regional ecological operating mode to a dense business district that stretches from Paris’ 1th to its 13th arrondissement, and turn it into a circular neighbourhood. As the brainchild of the City of Paris and RATP Group, the association, which consists of 42 partners, aims to define an operating mode that is informed by the principles of industrial and regional ecology. The mode is then adapted to the scale of a neighbourhood, by testing more frugal and productive sharing practices. In July, the association won a call for expressions of interest to establish circular neighbourhoods in the Île-de-France region. The call, which was launched by the Île-de-France region, ADEME (French engage and energy management agency), DRIEAT (regional and interdepartmental division for the environment, planning and transport in the Île-de-France region) and their partner, the Banque des Territoires, aims to commit the entire Île-de-France region to the circular economy by 2030. Download press release