The Group channels its energy to facilitate the energy transition

Capping global warming at 1.5°C is what the RATP Group energy and climate road map aims to achieve. In line with its long-standing commitment to combatting climate change, RATP Group crossed a new threshold at the end of 2022 when the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated the Group’s climate commitments.

The Group, which is committed to ensuring the energy efficiency of its activities, has also pledged for several years to use more diverse energy sources to power its bus fleet. Île-de-France Mobilités and the European Commission have provided their support to the Group’s commitment. In addition, RATP Group’s investment in developing new forms of mobility has set in motion the energy transition.

Committed for the climate

By significantly reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, RATP Group is speeding up its fight against global warming.

+ 1,200 electric buses operated globally (at the end of 2023)
6.7 M new mobility options offered by the Group’s start-ups in 2022
– 43% reduction in GHG emissions stemming from the Group’s activity by 2027 (compared to 2019)

Our achievements

Renewed rolling stock

Upgrading rolling stock that will be deployed over several decades constitutes one of the major levers in reducing energy consumption. The new trains on metro line 14 consume 17% less energy than the trains that they replaced. Similarly, the new MI 20 trains purchased with support from Île-de-France Mobilités, and which are set to operate on RER line B between 2025 and 2030, are expected to lower traction energy consumption by 25%.

Geothermal energy in stations

As part of the metro line 14 extension, heating and temperature regulation needs at Porte de Clichy and Mairie de Saint-Ouen stations are met using geothermal energy, through a mechanism that captures naturally existing ground heat. An associated housing programme in Paris also benefits from the same innovative system, which covers 65% of the programme’s heating needs.

Heat loops

On rue Beaubourg in Paris, social landlord Paris Habitat and RATP, both of which are partners in the Paris Climate Action Plan, have been innovating since 2018 by using heat from the metro line 11 tunnel to meet approximately 35% of a building’s heating needs.

Bagneux data centre

The Bagneux data centre, which was commissioned in 2019, is a product of eco-design. Equipped with a direct free cooling air conditioning system (cooling method that relies on cool outdoor air) that functions during cold weather (30% of the year), the data centre has saved a significant amount of energy.

Low-CO2 urban cooling

In April 2022, Fraîcheur de Paris, co-owned by Engie (85%) and RATP Group (15%), was designated to operate the City of Paris’ urban cooling system. For the next 20 years, Fraîcheur de Paris will be responsible for the production, storage, transport and distribution of the city’s cooling energy over a 158-kilometre network, to cool offices, housing units, museums, hospitals, public service buildings and more.

Next-generation LEDs

Since 2016, LEDs (light-emitting diodes) have been deployed over the entire underground train station network. By doing so, RATP Group has become the first global public transport network to be fully fitted with LEDs, thereby halving energy consumption. Work is ongoing: with the installation of third-generation LEDs, energy consumption can be optimised by another 15%.

New sources of energy

The Group has set a target to include up to 10% in renewable energies as part of its electricity supply mix by 2025. To achieve this, RATP has notably signed an initial 3-year green electricity contract with EDF. Since 1 January 2021, RATP has been receiving green electricity from EDF following their agreement. In the same vein, another contract was signed in 2022 with Urbasolar to supply solar energy from 2024 to 2039

Energy-efficient driving

To reduce energy consumption, and carbon emissions as a result, all RATP bus drivers are trained in energy-efficient driving as soon as they begin their initial training. Energy-efficient driving also applies underground: metro drivers limit acceleration and maximise energy recovery during braking.

Illuminated panels

Between 2022 and 2026, RATP Group aims to reduce energy consumption from illuminated panels by 35%.

Energy management with OPEN

RATP Group is equipped with OPEN, a management tool that optimises energy consumption at its sites. Through this innovative digital solution, which was deployed in 2020, fluid consumption (water and energy) can be monitored at 500 of the Group’s sites. Using the solution helps to maintain buildings’ energy and environmental efficiency, and facilitates responsiveness in the event of an anomaly. RATP Group has been awarded ISO 50001 certification for the energy management of its operations in the Île-de-France region.Le groupe RATP s’est doté d’un outil de pilotage pour optimiser la consommation énergétique de ses sites : OPEN. Déployée en 2020, cette solution digitale innovante permet de suivre la consommation des fluides (eau et énergies) de 500 sites du Groupe. Son utilisation favorise le maintien des performances énergétiques et environnementales des bâtiments et favorise une meilleure réactivité en cas d’anomalie. Le groupe RATP est ainsi certifié ISO 50001 pour le management de l’énergie de ses activités en Ile-de-France.