RATP Group Governance

RATP Group, whose parent company is RATP, is an industrial and commercial public body (Epic RATP) that is continuously evolving. Its private-law subsidiaries guarantee its development and growth both in France and abroad.


Mr. Jean Castex, former French Prime Minister, was appointed RATP Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer by decree on 23 November 2022. He then took office on 28 November 2022.
RATP Group governance comprises an executive committee (Comex), chaired by Mr. Jean Castex, and a board of directors.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer applies the policy defined by the board of directors and executes its decisions. He guarantees that the company works as it should while he leads its services.

The executive committee

The Comex, chaired by Jean Castex, is made up of tenmembers, both men and women, who each have full responsibility for one or several departments, which includes the management of their day-to-day operations.

The Comex comprises:

Mr Jean-Yves Leclercq, RATP Group Director of Strategy, Finance and Sustainable Performance

Mr Sylvain Durand, Chief of staff

Ms Sylvie Buglioni, Director of the Project, technical and industrial management division, and Group Director of the Digital and Innovation division

Mr Jean Agulhon, RATP Group Director of the Human Resources division

Ms Hiba Farès, RATP Dev Chief Executive Officer

Mr Jimmy Brun, RATP Group Director of the Communications, Commitment and Brand Strategy division

Mr Jean-Louis Houpert, Director of RATP Infrastructures

Ms Agnès Ogier, Director of the RATP Railway Services Business Unit

Ms Emmanuelle Cortot-Boucher, Group General Secretary, Director of the General Management Services division

The board of directors

RATP’s Board of Directors comprises 15 members, as established by Decree no. 2022-251 of February 2022 regarding Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens’ statut.

The Board of Directors consists of five State representatives, five employee representatives and five qualified individuals representing business interest groups, customers, and the municipalities on which RATP’s activity has an impact. The Board makes structural decisions for the company, notably regarding its contract with the transport authority, the company’s business plan, its budgets and accounts, decisions regarding its main infrastructure projects and contracts, as well as decisions relating to subsidiaries.

Internal regulations set out three committees:

  • A corporate social responsibility and service quality committee, responsible for CSR issues, including those related to the energy transition, climate change adaptation and human resources. This committee manages service quality issues. It is also responsible for matters regarding asset and people safety, as well as railway safety. It includes Mr Babut, Mr El Hachemi, Ms Gay, Mr Guillaume, and Ms Médard. Chairman: Ms Médard. Vice-Chairwoman: Mr Babut.
  • An audit, finance and risk committee is responsible for the entire management cycle, including accounts and budgeting; internal control and risk monitoring; measures to prevent and detect corruption and influence peddling; and the regulation of economic activities. The committee is composed of Mr Bassères, Ms Deligne, Ms Gicquel, Mr Melin and Mr Renaud. Chairman: Mr Bassères. Vice-Chairwoman: Ms Gicquel.
  • A strategy and investment committee that monitors all cases related to the Group’s development. The committee has the authority to define the company strategy and business plan, issues regarding subsidiaries, investment projects, contracts, and state-owned real estate transactions. This committee includes Mr Chevandier, Mr Chikh, Ms Gay, Ms Gicquel, Mr Judith, and Ms Vernier. Chairwoman: Ms Vernier. Vice-Chairwoman: Ms Gay.

The board of directors comprises:

State representatives

Mr Jean Castex, RATP Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Ms May Gicquel, Director of Shareholdings, French Government Investment Agency, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.

Ms Emmanuelle Gay, Regional and Interdepartmental Director for Infrastructure and Development, Île-de-France region

Ms Sabine Deligne, Deputy-Director of the Budget Directory, Ministry of Public Accounts

Mr Marc Guillaume, Prefect of the Île-de-France region, Prefect of Paris

Persons selected for their expertise in the field of transport, travel policies or stemming from diverse socio-economic backgrounds

Ms Karine Vernier, CEO France of InnoEnergy.

Ms Alice-Marie Médard, Chairwoman of the Mobility and Transport section of the French General Inspectorate for the Environment and Sustainable Development, at the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Regional Cohesion.

Mr Jean Bassères, Inspector General of Finance.

Representatives of public transport customers

Mr Michel Babut, Vice-Chairman of the Fédération nationale des associations d’usagers des transports Île-de-France (National Federation of Transport Users for the Île-de-France region)

Representatives of municipalities/group of municipalities where RATP and its subsidiaries are established

Thomas Chevandier, Paris Municipal Counsellor (elected from the Paris en Commun- Ecologies pour Paris list), Deputy Mayor of Paris, responsible for issues relating to public works, site supervision, and coordination of work in public spaces.

Elected employee representatives

Mr Abdelmalek El Hachemi, elected FO Groupe RATP representative

Mr Jean-Marc Judith, elected FO Groupe RATP representative

Mr Sébastien Melin, elected CGT RATP representative

Mr Mourad Chikh, elected UNSA Groupe RATP representative

Mr Fabien Renaud, elected CFE-CGC Groupe RATP representative

Three representatives also attend Board of Directors meetings although they do not have the administrator status.

Mr Philippe Dupuis, Head of the Transport Economic and Financial Control Mission

Mr Rodolphe Gintz, Director of Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea at the Ministry of Transport, Government Representative.

Mr Frédéric Sarrassat, Secretary to the Social Economic and Central Social Committee