A responsible and trailblazing employer

  • RATP Group, which is committed to guaranteeing equal opportunity and diversity, offers a wide range of evolving career opportunities in a rich ecosystem that boasts over 270 professions. “Public interest guides our commitment, gives meaning to our professions, unites teams and takes their careers to new heights” – this is the Group’s promise as an employer, and a major lever in its attractiveness.
  • RATP Group believes that its performance and expansion can only be achieved by providing its employees with a more secure and more stimulating working environment to ensure that they thrive professionally. Employee commitment also depends on management style, which is why the Group coaches its managers on how to foster collective intelligence in their teams.
  • Training is a key lever in forging employee loyalty and professional fulfilment. By investing heavily in training, RATP Group drives its transformation by relying on its employees’ skills and their ability to grow. This is how the Group confirms the strength of its fundamental human asset.
> Over 5.64% of the EPIC’s wage bill spent on employee training in 2022,
> Over 1.86 million hours in training provided per year (RATP, RATP Dev and RATP Solutions Ville).
  • Meaningful social dialogue is an essential component in providing high-quality public service, both for RATP as well as its labour union organisations. In light of significant changes in the organisation of the company and RATP Group, management and the representative trade union organisations signed agreements in 2021 and 2022 to ensure consistency between the structure of the company and its social dialogue channels.
> Less than 4% of the complaints filed by labour union organisations in 2022 resulted in notices to strike.
  • The Group is achieving professional equality and closing the gender pay gap. It also seeks to increase female representation in some specific professions, such as driving and security, and in management committees.
> 24.5% of RATP’s new hires in 2022 were women.


Various activities were carried out in 2022, including: a partnership with the association Elles bougent (Women on the move), participation in Smart City Week and Semaine de l’industrie (Industry week), to increase the attractiveness of technical and engineering professions for young women. The Group also participated in the Réseaux & carrières au féminin (Women’s networks and careers) forum and Seekube Femmes ingénieures (Seekube women engineers) forum, and met with associations Rêv’Elles and Femmes en mouvement to discuss professions in transport. RATP also organised three immersive behind-the-scenes tours focusing on bus driving, metro driving and safety.

RATP Group has exceeded the goals set by the French Rixain law

French law no. 2021-1774 of 24 December 2021, aimed at accelerating economic and professional equality, known as the “Rixain law”, establishes the obligation of both male and female representation.

  • Since 2021, RATP has exceeded the representation targets set for 2026.


RATP’s executive committee has equal representation, while 37.5% of senior executives are women and 62.5% are men. These scores demonstrate that all RATP employees and management are committed to combatting stereotypes and changing mentalities.

  • Anti-discrimination measures: RATP Group affirms its zero-tolerance policy with regard to discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. In 2022, the main theme of the Mois du mieux travailler ensemble (month dedicated to working better together) was the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. A professional network called “RATP Group Pride” was launched on 1 December 2022 to strengthen the inclusion of LGBT employees and fight discrimination based on sexual orientation. A specific framework has been set up to assist employees who are victims of such forms of prejudice.