Employee commitment

The Foundation offers various ways for RATP Group employees to get involved.

  • Contributing to the Foundation’s operations, notably the Project Selection Committee, which gathers employees from every Group entity, and which meets monthly to approve projects to be sponsored by the Foundation.
  • Participating in volunteer missions and solidarity drives that the Foundation conducts with its partners, such as collection and sorting drives.
  • Serving as a mentor: approximately 60 employees are committed to mentoring students from various higher education institutions. Mentors provide personalised assistance to mentored students, guiding them towards their careers through numerous meet-ups and discussions, in line with students’ needs and specialisation. The Foundation also supports projects that require the participation of Group employees, such as mentors in specific areas of expertise, and occasional contributions to share experience-based insight.
  • Obtaining funding for projects on a voluntary basis from public interest structures with which the employee has a personal involvement. In 2023, eight employee-initiated projects were selected.
  • Donating a few cents from their salaries every month through the Arrondi solidaire sur salaire scheme (rounding up salaries in solidarity), which was launched at the end of 2019 and has raised over €50,000 to help beneficiaries from four associations.

The Foundation also arranges meet-ups between Group teams and beneficiaries whenever such discussions help amplify the impact of the supported projects. 
Some Group entities have opted to match the Foundation’s project funding, as part of campaigns to raise employee awareness on major issues such as women’s rights or energy efficiency.

These commitments help to bring employees closer across the Group and foster pride in belonging to a common mission.

The Foundation has pledged to donate €1 for each employee who takes part in the energy efficiency challenge organised by RATP Group and the Energic app. A cheque for €1,630 was presented to the association Carton Plein (full box) to match funding for an eco-friendly workforce integration project.

The Foundation, soup kitchen Restos du Cœur Paris, and association La Cravate Solidaire, organised a two-day drive for employees to donate clothes at the Maison de la RATP (RATP headquarters). 217 kg of clothes were collected for the beneficiaries of these two associations, which are supported by RATP Group Foundation.